Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera
Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera is an Architect and Urban Planner.
Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera (IURD) is a Professor of Urban Planning at the State University of Morelos, Mexico. Trained as an architect at the Universidad Iberoamericana, he holds degrees in Urban Planning by the University Institute of Architecture of Venice and a PhD in Urbanism by UNAM, Mexico. Dr. Valenzuela was a postdoctoral Fellow at the French Institute of Urbanism in Paris, a visiting Fulbright scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in the last three years a visiting scholar at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley. He also has been a visiting scholar at the University of Tokyo, Oxford Brookes University, the Technical University of Athens, and was appointed the Alfonso Reyes Chair at the Institute of High Studies for Latin America (IHEAL) at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. A consultant on urban revitalization strategies to the UN Economic Commission for Latin America, his work has been funded by several international institutions and organizations and has published widely in specialized planning journals. He was named a 2008 Guggenheim Fellow and selected by the World Bank Institute as one of the Top 30 Social Innovators in 2010.
Awards and honors
- Selected by the World Bank Institute as one of the Top 30 Worldwide Social Innovators, Cape Town, 2010.
- Guggenheim Fellowship Award for Latin America and the Caribbean 2008.
- Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Urban and Regional Development (IURD), University of California at Berkeley 2007-2010.
- Alexander Onassis Fellow at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2007.
- Alfonso Reyes Chair in Mexican Studies at the Institute of High Studies for Latin America, University of Paris Sorbonne III, 2005.
- Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SPURS/DUSP, 2003/2004, Fulbright and OAS / Leo Rowe Pan-American Fund Fellowships.
- Postdoctoral Fellow at the French Institute of Urbanism (IFU), University of Paris VIII, 2002-03. National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Fellowship.
- Ph.D. Magna Cum Laude, held National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT ) Fellowship, 1998-2000.
- Masters fellowship by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Government Fellowship, 1991–1994, Italy.
- Alfonso Caso Silver Medal Award for outstanding achievements, UNAM, 2004.
- National Researcher by the National Research System of Mexico (SNI) since 2000.
- National Endowment for Arts and Culture Fellowship in Cultural Studies; 2006–2007
- National Endowment for Arts and Culture Fellowship in Urban Design; 1999–2000
- Exchange Fellow by the American Field Service Fellowship; 1982–1983, United Kingdom.
Selected publications
- Valenzuela Alfonso (forthcoming). «The social control of space», «Fear of Crime» and «Urban Insecurity», in Sarah J Walker (Editor) Encyclopedia of International Security, IQ Press, New York.
- Valenzuela, Alfonso. 2011. «Green and Modern: Planning Mexico City, 1900-2000» in Brantz Dorothee and Sonja Dümpelmann (Ed) Greening the City: Urban Landscapes in the Twentieth Century"', University of Virginia Press.
- Valenzuela, Alfonso 2011. «Mexico City: Power, Equity and Sustainable Development» in Sorensen A. and Okata, J. (Editors) Megacities: Urban Form, Governance, and Sustainability (cSUR-UT Series: Library for Sustainable Urban Regeneration), London & Tokyo: Springer.
- Valenzuela Alfonso. 2008. «Ivan Illich and the leisure pursuit of free people» in Radical History Review, Issue 102 (Fall): History and Critical Pedagogies: Transforming Consciousness, Classrooms, and Communities, New York.
- Valenzuela, Alfonso.2008. «Urbanization» and «Cities», in Juang R.M and N. Morrissette (Editors) Africa and the Americas: Culture, Politics and Culture. A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, Trasatlantic Relations Series. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
- Valenzuela Alfonso. 2007. «Η εφεύρεση της αστικής κληρονομιάς: πρόσφατες παρεμβάσεις στην Ευρώπη και την Λατινική Αμερική» in AΩ Magazine No.37, September. Also published as «The Invention of Urban Heritage Recent interventions in Europe and Latin America» in the AΩ International Online Magazine Issue 07, 2008.
- Valenzuela, Alfonso.2006. «The politics of fear: securing public space in a divided city», in Plan Canada, Special Issue on Security in the City, Vol. 46, No.3, Autumn.
- Valenzuela, Alfonso. 2005. «City of fear: The social control of urban space in Latin America», in TRIALOG No. 87: Violence and Insecurity in Cities, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt: Gewalt und Sicherheit in der Stadt, Berlin.
- Valenzuela, Alfonso, 2004. «La ley de la calle: inseguridad urbana y control social del espacio en la Ciudad de Mexico» (The street’s Law: urban insecurity and the social control of space in Mexico City) in Journal of Latin American Urban Studies, volume 6, Fall, New York.
External links
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Valenzuela-Aguilera, Alfonso |
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